
Showing posts from September, 2020

Max Payne franchise needs to come back on the PlayStation 5 as new game with a entire new story line that he has to handle

max Payne dropped on the PlayStation 2 on july 24 2001i went to game stop and bought it brand new played it couldn't believe the action it had especially the slow mo shooting bullets hitting the enemies killing them and the way you had to regain health when it got low than the sequel dropped on October 15 2003 alot more action especially fighting against Russian mob investigating woman being killed now have the ability to drive around in cars this time max payne 3 came out for the PlayStation 3 but never to ot the chance to play it and I know it's hard to find especially in good condition or new that's why they should make brand new game


I'VE PLAYED THE ORIGINAL GAME ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAD TO SNEAK UP ON ENEMIES. The original playstation version came with three discs but it was one entire game to play you had to complete the missions or you couldn't make it to the next part once disc one was completed you had to open the PlayStation and put in disc two and than disc three now it moved to PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 all on one disc not multiple discs haven't played PlayStation four game probably be hard to get now been out for awhile 

Oddworld SOULSTORM a classic game thats making a comeback on the new consoles so everyone can play

ANOTHER CLASSIC GAME MAKING ITS WAY TO THE NEXT GENERATION CONSOLE THAT STARTED OUT FOR THE ORIGINAL PLAYSTATION NOW FOR PS4 AND PS5 MORE IMPROVED I remember when the original game was released for the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 because I had both of them beating all the levels now the franchise has created it for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 it definitely got upgrades especially the graphics and gameplay now you're a leader building a army to fight your enemies but you also have to fight against other monsters to collecting what you need especially weapons and power ups

WWE BATTLEGROUND PS4 an arcade style battle game you can wrestle through especially online

WWE battleground is a arcade style wrestling game with single player and multiplayer modes wrestlers can do power ups when fighting in the ring and outside of the ring it has WWE legends and regular wrestlers in it also has other features like create a wrestler but it's only limited to what you can do especially The wrestler's moves in the game you can earn money to buy other things to boost your created characters it has total of 70 superstars But a lot of them seem to be not their I don't think they made it big profit from it' The reviews are really bad 

FORNITE NOW ON PS5 now people can dominate on the console much faster than they was doing before

Fortnite is a game that you can battle in different models with your friends they have Free for all mode everybody trying to be number one that other options is team battle modes it's one game that became big overnight over 10 million downloads or more between kid's teens and adults for the PlayStation four it started now it's on the next generation console the PlayStation 5 the weapons added more you can customize them and your character with different people like celebrities you gotta download them to be able to use it it's so many to pick from 

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition slices its way onto PlayStation 5 I played all the original games so I know it's good game

I had The original games for the PlayStation 2 that's where The franchise started you got guns blood bosses and action definitely not a boring game to play every level had different enemies to fight and level up to unlock items than they took the franchise to The PlayStation 3 I still have the game rocked it multiple times than it moved to the PlayStation 4 now this is the newest One for the PlayStation 5 whole new characters bosses weapons on each level you really missing out on playing it true fan's already know it's good game to play 

MAFIA LOYALTY MONEY RESPECT HAS TO BE EARNED where the legacy all started in the family organization

This game is about blood shed it's a continuation Mafia game that dropped in 2002 but the game takes place in 1930 where the Mafia got them start it's all about Tommy Angelo a cab drive that became an infamous gangster with the crime family but Tommy got tired of the life being on the run especially with the wife and kids so he decided to be in The witness protection program bringing The family down but when you do that you putting a huge target on your back of revenge from all of the family when they see you 

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